Inland Fisheries - Public Angling Estate

This feature class contains the polygon layer comprising the water bodies of the Public Angling Estate in Northern Ireland, and details all of the information for each fishery as set out in the Inland Fisheries 'Short Guide to Fisheries in the Public Angling Estate of Northern Ireland'. The polygons are derived from the February 2019 release of the 'Stand Water Polygon' and 'Water Course Polygon' layers from OSNI Fusion - a product from Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI). The layer is based on the coordinate system TM65 Irish Grid, and is linked to the 'PAE_OSNIFusion_Feb2019' table using a Relationship Class. 

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Creation Date March 15, 2022, 15:12 (UTC)
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Frequency of Update Not Planned
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