Description of Data
Population estimates for the 850 Super Data Zones in Northern Ireland were published on 25th July 2024.
Time Period
Estimates are provided for mid-2021 and mid-2022.
1. Estimated populations are given as of 30th June for the year noted, rounded to the nearest person.
2. Rounding for estimates at this geographic level is independent. As such, figures may not add to higher geography totals.
The population estimates for small geographical areas are created from an average of two statistical methods:
the ratio change and cohort-component methods. The ratio change method applies the change in secondary (typically administrative) data sources to Census estimates. The 2022 small geographical area estimates use a single statistical dataset which has been created by amalgamating a series of different administrative data sources. This statistical dataset is a de-duplicated admin based estimate for the usually resident population of NI. The cohort-component method updates the Census estimates by ‘ageing on’ populations and applying information on births, deaths and migration. An average of both methods is taken and constrained to the published population figures. Further information is available at:
NISRA 2022 Mid-year Population Estimates webpage
Geographic Referencing
Population Estimates are based on a large number of secondary datasets. Where the full address was available, the Pointer Address database was used to allocate a unique property reference number (UPRN) and geo-spatial co-ordinates to each home address. These can then be used to map the address to particular geographies. Where it was not possible to assign a unique property reference number to an address using the Pointer database, or where the secondary dataset contained only postcode information, the Central Postcode Directory was used to map home address postcodes to higher geographies. A small proportion of records with unknown geography were apportioned based on the spatial characteristics of known records.
Further Information
The next estimates of the population for Northern Ireland will be released later in 2024.
Contact: NISRA Customer Services
02890 255156
Responsible Statistician: Jonathan Harvey